How to Avoid Overspending when Working from Home

Working at home comes with so many benefits, from not having to worry about commuting traffic, to be able to having a better work-life balance.
It’s no wonder that so many people have pivoted to a full remote or hybrid model of working, especially in a post-pandemic world where employers are typically more open to considering flexible working arrangements.
But whilst WFH can help make life easier, it also means that you potentially have a lot more freedom, and need to hold yourself accountable.
Whilst most of us would stay off our personal phones in front of our managers, it’s a lot easier to get distracted when you’re in your own space.
From social media scrolling to impulse buying, being on your phone whilst working can lead to distraction and overspending, without you even being that aware of what you’re doing.
Whilst no one is perfect when it comes to working at home, regular splurging can leave you with items you don’t really need, and a hefty bill that leaves you feeling a twinge of regret when you look at your bank account.
In this post, we share some top tips for keeping your spending under control.
Keep off social media
It’s common knowledge that social media is addictive. We’ve all found ourselves picking up our phone without a real reason, only to find ourselves on Instagram.
The algorithm is designed to feed us more of what we like, so it’s easy to get advertised an item that’s similar to the one you were looking at last night.
However, being able to shop directly from social media means that we’re far more likely to spend, with some studies showing that 65% of us have shopped online through social media in the last year.
To avoid this, try and keep your phone out of your line of sight. If that’s not possible, then consider using an app that’s designed to help you stay focused.
It might sound counterproductive, but there are some on the market that reward you for staying off your phone or block access to your social accounts during a set time.
Having that pause before you can access your socials might be the jolt you need to put your phone down.
Keep a spending journal
If you’re the sort of person who would stop spending if you could see it all in front of you, then some experts recommend keeping a spending journal.
This isn’t meant to send you into a guilt spiral, but it can help you keep track of what you’re purchasing and how much money you’ve parted with that week.
If you find it helpful to do so, you might also want to consider what else the non-essential spends could have bought you – whether that’s a new book or video game, or as extreme as a weekend away.
Acknowledge your triggers and find an alternative
Often, we spend because of something we’re feeling, rather than actually needing an item.
Perhaps you’re jealous of a friend’s bag/clothes/lifestyle, or you’re feeling sad and are looking for something to cheer you up – whatever the reason, try to acknowledge it and pause before you hit buy.
Think about if there’s anything else you could do that would make you feel better, or take a break and go for a walk to shake up your perspective.
If you still want the item in a couple of days, then consider buying it – that way, you’re more likely to have made a considered purchase, rather than an emotional one.